I want to start by thanking those of you who answered my question about why you read this blog. What an encouragement!! As I expressed in that post, I have struggled about whether or not to continue writing about real food. Especially in a niche where I am a bit of a novice and cynic,…Continue reading Nicheless but with Atmosphere
Category: Sweet
Sappy stories where I gush
Dear Me: A Letter to My Teenage Self
One of my favorite bloggers, Emily Freeman, is running a link-up this week called “Dear Me,” inviting us to write a letter to our teenage selves as part of the launch for her new book, Graceful, which is the “teen” counterpart to Grace for the Good Girl. Here’s the trailer. (You’ll have to click over…Continue reading Dear Me: A Letter to My Teenage Self
Tales from the Beach
Since blogging at the beach on our decade old laptop is a bit wearisome, I’ve decided to do the ultra-poorganic thing, which is recycle some beachin’ posts from the past. Here is one of my most favorite posts from the days prior to knowing that great blogs are 700 words or less. If you are…Continue reading Tales from the Beach
When Dreams Change
Seven years ago, all my dreams changed. Read the story. 🙂
It’s an Adventure Being Us
Next week, I promise to begin all the new gardening and food posts you’ve been anticipating, but in honor of my mom’s 60th birthday, I wanted to share this with my newer readers. For those of you who read this post a year ago, I hope you enjoy it this time too. **************************************************************************************************** Then Laugh…Continue reading It’s an Adventure Being Us
Contentment Story Take II
Tonight I went on girls night out with some friends. Our conversation reminded me of this post from last March. Since I’ve just had sick kids and discontent in my house over the past week, I’m recapping this lesson for myself and you. ENJOY! ________________________________________________________________________ Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about contentment or the…Continue reading Contentment Story Take II
I Love the Big Catch of Fish
Have you ever been patiently explaining something to God for the third or fourth time because HE just doesn’t seem to get it when you suddenly realize, “Wait. I’m a total dipwad. I’m pretty sure he knows this already. Maybe I should just shut up, so that He can explain something to me.” Well, this…Continue reading I Love the Big Catch of Fish
Trip to the Pet Store
Last Wednesday the Providinator called to ask if we had money for a little family dinner outing. He wanted to go to the pet store for an algae eater for his classroom fish tank. Since kids love pet stores (especially kids without pets), he though we could all go together, grab dinner somewhere quick, get…Continue reading Trip to the Pet Store
I Love The Fattened Calf
You’ll be excited to know that after asking you scads and scads of seemingly rhetorical questions at the end of blog posts, someone has responded!! You may recall that at the end of the I Love Ram post, I asked “Do you have a cool ram story? A manna story? We all love to learn…Continue reading I Love The Fattened Calf
I Love Ram
Let’s start off with a little preamble because you know how much I love a good preamble. Then we will proceed through Parts 1-4. (Did I mention I’ve been reading a lot of Dickens? Four parts and a preamble are the minimum needed for this story.) PREAMBLE What is the Save to Give Challenge? This…Continue reading I Love Ram