I Verse & a Stack


FINALLY, it’s time for I verse!!!

(If you are new here and have NO idea what “I Verse” means, go read this blurb about Letter Verses and then come back.)

I KNOW! I know. I Verse is months and months overdue. You probably learned the Hate Verse in record time and have been sitting there JUST wishing that you could just open your own Bible and find a verse that started with “I.”

Um . . . . . okay, I don’t need to say it, do I? (You can find your own verses any old time you like in the BIBLE, AND whilst you are at it, why don’t you send me videos of yourself singing them and save me some time with the technological pursuits that curl my fingernails and boil my brains? Thank you.)

I’m a major dork. Uploading video and pictures challenges my capabilities. What can I say?  And yet, here I am . . ._______________________________________________________________________

“I VERSE” PRINTABLE- Click and paste by your place of eating. 

“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11

Now, we were trying to think of a catchy tune when my brilliant music teacher husband, the Providinator, suggested that we use the tune to “Are You Sleeping?” Thus . . .


I know you appreciate how I’ve implanted that song in your brain in such a way that you will never ever get it out again. You are welcome!

Actually, you are.  Because as I pointed out to my kids this week during a little Bible finding activity, memorization is a fool proof way to make sure that you ALWAYS have God’s Word and never lose it.  Hiding God’s word in our hearts enables two very important things.

1. We don’t lose it.

2. We might not sin against God.

This week we OneVerse Bloggers are commissioning our readers to FIND God’s Word in our homes and take a picture of the stack.  Even though I recently got rid of a number of Bibles and was too lazy to fetch the King James’ from the attic, here is what I came up with from our household.

8 Full Bibles, One Full Bible on CD, 2 childrens Bibles and handbooks. This was without even getting the "attic" Bibles.

My favorite is the green waterproof Bible on the top of the stack that the Providinator kept with our biking/ camping stuff. Across it is a yellow bumper sticker that says “Share the Road.”

Ain’t that the truth, friends. We are supposed to be sharing this way of life. This Road. This miraculous, life changing message. We need to. We want to. We CAN! Don’t just stack up 8 copies for your own use.

I am a OneVerse Blogger, and as such, have partnered with the Vidunda people of Tanzania who DO NOT HAVE EVEN ONE Bible in their language.  (Read more about that if you don’t know what a big deal it is. )

But, for only $26, a verse of Scripture is translated into their language.  Letter Verses project is intended to encourage YOU (not just your kids) to give $1 for every letter verse you memorize.  Once you’ve memorized the alphabet, you’ve translated a verse.

Or you could give $1 for each Bible you find in your house?

Or you could commit to give $26 a month? I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you might just have to untie your ass[ets].

Because I am completely stubborn, it took me months to realize that, WEEKLY, I have committed to spend more on produce than this, so suddenly my argument that we couldn’t “commit” to $26 started to feel really flimsy. I decided to put my money where my heart and my mouth is.  We’ve recently decided to give monthly instead of just giving when we finish the Letter Verses.  I set up our payment online. It was really hard; it took me four minutes.  Every month, we get a copy of the verse that we’ve helped to translate.

Do you want to Share the Road? Or do you just like the bumper sticker?

(Okay, I’m done poking you with a stick. For today. Sorry, I read this post about ass[ets] and now I feel all empowered.)

I’d also LOVE you to meet the other OneVerse Bloggers and join in with posting your Bible stack picture at the link up hosted by Meredith here.  One lucky person will get a prize from OneVerse.

15 thoughts on “I Verse & a Stack

  1. Oh my word, I just LOVE you.
    I wish that I knew you in real life, so that we could be all snarky and sarcastic and witty and big smile-ey together.
    Because… you know what?
    Reading your blog makes feel like I can be the kind of woman that I want to be.

    So thank you.
    *big squishy hugs*
    Unless you aren’t a huggy person. And in that case, *firm handshake*
    Meredith recently posted…OneVerse. Times Eleven.My Profile

    1. Wow! High praise indeed. Okay, if you are going to be so flattering, I suppose we can be friends. 😉 HAH! I am totally a big squishy hug person. Well, if I’m being honest, I don’t know what all would be entailed with the “squishy,” but I’m definitely a hugger. Thanks for doing the link up. I’m psyched to see what God is going to do!!

    1. Kristi, thanks! I’m always trying to find the perfect blend of nice and bossy, but my kids would argue that I err a little much on the bossy-side. I guess I have to use this as an outlet for being bossy. 🙂

  2. Oh, that cracked me up! I was kinda slow on the $26 a month, too. And then I started doing the household bills and realizing what we spend money on each month. And most of it was nowhere near as important as Bible translation.
    Amy recently posted…Wealthy indeedMy Profile

    1. I also realized that at our pace of memorization, we were basically doing about $26 a month anyway. This was, I don’t have to remember to give AND getting the verses from OneVerse helps remind me to keep diligent with our Letter Verses. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. “…memorization is a fool proof way to make sure that you ALWAYS have God’s Word and never lose it.”

    I love this! Memorizing Scripture–hiding His Word in our hearts–is definitely a fool proof way to “never leave home without it.” 🙂

    Great post. It’s nice to “meet” you.
    Denise J. Hughes recently posted…Well, This Is EmbarrassingMy Profile

    1. Let me tell ya’. The times when I have MOST needed to recite Scripture (while giving birth, lost in airport, shouting at kids in Target) I have not had a Bible at the ready. 🙂 Memorization is the way to go!

  4. I just got so into your post that I burned my pancakes! This is awesome! I think my 4 year old could definitely do this. My two year old… Not so much. I really need to be hiding God’s word in my own heart and what a gift to do it as a family. Glad I found your blog!

    1. Caroline, you should just try it! My two year old is starting to catch on a little. (You can see her chime in half way through the song.) Even though I know she doesn’t comprehend the songs, getting them buried into her brain can only be a good thing, right? Sorry about your pancakes. :/

  5. This is wonderful! Bein’ that my husband is a pastor and we are EXTRA HOLY and all…I was too embarassed to take a picture of ALL the bibles and commentaries in my house. Thank you for poking me with that stick…I need to get my letter verse jar/butt in gear!

    1. I’m just rubbing my hands together scheming a plan for how we can get a genius musical curriculum person to write something up for church children’s ministries. Know anybody?

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