Well, this is just kind of unfair. The word for today’s Five Minute Friday Writing Prompt at the Gypsy Mama is “gift.” Really? Really?
Last weekend I spoke on this VERY topic at a women’s retreat and so the very idea of condensing my thoughts to five minutes is just HAHAHA, laughable. As you probably know, I’m not much for self editing. 🙂 I spoke on “Courageous Joy as I Bow my Gifts,” and I encouraged the women to BOLDLY bow their gifts to God.
Thus, the fact that the prompt was “gift” has, ironically, given me a tiny bit of courage to share my talk with you all instead of hiding it on the backside of my blog where it has lived all week, cowering from anyone who might say that I’m showing off.
See, even though I KNOW unequivocally that my love of teaching God’s word is a gift from him, I still get nervous saying “Hey, look at how God’s using me!” Yet, as I said in my talk and as God says in His word, we are to present our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to him. We aren’t suppose to cower and assume that God can’t use us.
Am I actually crazy enough to presume that my weaknesses are bigger than God’s strength?
Do I assume that he equipped me with gifts and passions, but has no plans to use me?Â
Do I really think that he cannot get past my giant ego and show himself?
No. No. I’m going to have courageous joy as I bow to God my gift and pray that HE will be glorified.
I’m bragging on God now. Here is the talk. It is 50 minutes of mediocre Youtube videos that you might find it easier to listen to than watch unless you delight in seeing my overly dramatic hand gestures. 🙂 I’d love for you to watch it and see what God teaches you.
I’m linking up with The Gypsy Mama’s Five Minute Friday.
PS: I really did write this in five minutes, thus there is no flow. That is not a disclaimer. Just a reminder. 🙂
So glad you are able to love me even though I am completely incapable of remembering when Friday is until it’s the middle of the day and I see I’ve forgotten another week…. Although this week was perfect for you. Feel free to call me Thursday night and remind me… :/
This is Awesome….that I clicked on THIS link out of 175+
I struggle with the same thing…I KNOW I am to speak, but have often said “who am I to toot my own horn?”
I’m not tooting My horn…I’m tooting HiS…for without HIM, I’d be nothing!!
Thank You!!
Stacey recently posted…Gift……{Five Minute Friday}