We’re BACK! As promised in Poor Kids Don’t Eat Real Food, it’s time we got back on track with Letter Verses. If you are just starting out with Letter Verses, you can check out verses A-G at the Letter Verses page above. If you, like me, have trouble memorizing scripture, Letter Verses might be perfect for you for two reasons.
- We can call the Scriptures to mind using a mnemonic as simple as the ALPHABET.
- Each verse is put to music and becomes a song (that you cannot get out of your head even when you try. ;))
For H verse, I really didn’t want to do “Honor your Father and Mother” since we already kind of covered that with C-verse “Children obey your parents in the Lord.” I thought maybe I would ask the kids for suggestions of words that started with “H.”
Addie said, “Hate starts with H.”
I offered something nicer. More Jesus-y. “What about ‘help’?”
Addie said, “Hate starts with H.”
I scowled. Hmmm. “What about ‘hide’? Like we ‘hide’ God’s word in our heart.”
Addie said, “Hate starts with H.”

“Why are kids so obsessed with hate?” I thought to myself. Suddenly, I recalled a story of my mom telling me how, as a young girl, my super exuberant sister sat in our bedroom playing, and loudly singing to herself a made-up a song called, “I HATE my sins; I love my God” wherein those two lines were repeated umpteen times.
And speaking of hate, my kids are totally obsessed with super-heroes right now. Bad guys. Good guys. Evil villains. Valiant warriors. Guys who HATE each other! Where is all this HATE coming from?
Maybe it is easier for kids to see the black and white before we confused grown-ups color everything gray in their world? Maybe we are supposed to know what HATE is? Our kids sure do.
SO, I finally got on my handy, dandy Biblegateway.com and searched for Hate. And there it was, plain as day. The H verse.
(Notice, it doesn’t just say “honor your parents. But honor “one another above yourself.” Above myself? Dang-it. All these verses seem to apply as much to me as to my kids!)
So here’s your H-verse vlog and homemade song to go with it. Our life is very, um, poorganic, so you will have to overlook the messy kitchen and cantankerous two year old. (Also, please note that the band “H-Town” that wrote “Knockin’ the Boots” is probably going to show up in your YouTube viewer after my vlog plays, so don’t let your kiddos click that when they are trying to learn H-verse. Sorry about that! Blame YouTube.)
Here’s the printable with the verse on it!
And don’t forget to put a $1 in a jar when you memorize the verse. When you get to $26, you can make a one time gift through the Letter Verses group for One Verse. Our group helps translate Scripture for the Vidunda people in Tanzania. You’ll get a copy of the verse in the mail! If you become a monthly partner with OneVerse through the OneVerse bloggers (of which I am one), you can get a free copy of Savoring Living Water, a fantastic e-book on how to have an effective quiet time.
Oh, one more thing, Letter Verses isn’t just for kids. 🙂 How do I know? Because I am being CHANGED by these powerful words.
Kids. They love to hate. But I’m all for my kids hating what’s evil!
p.s. Thanks–you just made me learn a Scripture. 🙂
You won’t forget it either. You’ll be in Target looking at an ugly blouse, and without thinking, you’ll start humming “Hate what is evil . . . ” Subliminal evil, that is.
Amy@MakemeAMary sent me. I am so glad she did. This is a great idea. My oldest is 5 and we have been so over-stressed about how he plays with guns, and likes to be so agressive. Everyone answers with he is a boy!. They listened to this and we have been reading a preschool bible with them but today I am going to get them to doing a verse every day!!! Thanks so much!
We do a verse a week. (Although there has been a break since Thanksgiving.) You can start wherever you want (A or H), but just print out the verse and then listen to the songs till they are stuck in your head (about 30 seconds :)). I tape the verses up by the dining room table, so that we all are reminded to sing them. PS: The name of your blog is SO cute. I must go check it out.