This is a modification of my great Aunt Bet’s delicious pumpkin bread. I have to admit that I did not expect the modification to be so YUMMY! I love when that happens.
Here’s the recipe, which you can print in 4×6 version, by clicking here. 🙂
First, melt down your coconut oil or use butter. The original calls for a cup of regular vegetable oil, but I’ve been trying to faze out vegetable oils since reading this.
Mix your oil and sugar. (Note for those afraid of sugar: I made a pumpkin muffin recipe last week with molasses and it totally took away the pumpkiny flavor that I wanted. I decided to just use less sugar than called for in the original (2 c.) and be okay with it. You could also try honey, but I didn’t.)
I’ve found that I can reduce oil in quick bread and muffins if I add in some yogurt, so that’s what I did here. Actually, I used the whey and enough yogurt to make the consistency seem slightly fluffy.
Then add the three eggs one at a time.
CAUTION: Coconut oil solidifies at about 75 degrees F, so if your eggs and yogurt are cold, they will cause your oil to solidify and stick to the bowl. Set them out till they are room temp or lay them in a pan of warmed water until they seem room temp. (I hope it will occur to you, but put the yogurt in a measuring cup BEFORE laying in pan of warm water. :))
Then add the pumpkin and mix. My batter was sort of thin at this point. The original recipe calls for 2 cups of pumpkin which is slightly more than one can. I didn’t want to mess with a partially used can of pumpkin, so I just did one can. I’m sure more pumpkin would have been fine.
I put all my dry ingredients and spices in one bowl to add in gradually. The original recipe calls for white flour, but using the King Arthur White Whole Wheat gave great results. This flour is 100% whole wheat but made from a lighter grain of wheat so it worked VERY well. After adding the dry ingredients, the batter was quite thick and looked like this.
I lined my pans with parchment and had to really spread the batter inside the pans. I think maybe you could use slightly less flour and be fine since this flour is a bit thicker.
Bake for about 50 minutes and then cool for 10 minutes before removing from pans. Be careful if you check the bread with a tester. Mine came out clean, but the bread still probably could have baked another five minutes.
I forgot to take a photo of the freshly baked breads, but here’s one of the loaves that I froze and just took out for the photo. 🙂
I hope you enjoy this delicious recipe! I think it is definitely a keeper. 🙂