F Verse

F Verse is one of my favorites because it really impacts both my kids AND me. The verse is:

Matthew 12:34 For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.  (Click the verse to view and print the handy-dandy printable.)

Wow! That just cuts right to the heart doesn’t it.  I feel like it might as well also say “For out of the overflow of the heart, (the blog/ Facebook status/ Tweet/ Snide remark to friend/ eyeroll of impatience) speaks.”  It makes SO much sense and yet, how often do you forget the basics of “Garbage In. Garbage Out”?

If I pour in crap TV, complaining friends, Dissatisfied Living Magazine, and bitter reflections, I shouldn’t be surprised that all that I hear myself say is unpleasant.  If you have a couple of little parrots around your house like I do, you know how important it is that what comes out of your mouth is not short-tempered, annoyed, and sarcastic. Because you are pouring those words right into their hearts, and then that is going to overflow right back atch’/

It’s good for them to know too.

On the flip side, if we pour in God’s word, singing, praise, thankfulness, and truth into our hearts, our mouths will overflow with the same. 🙂

This song for F verse comes from the Seeds Family Worship album, Seeds of Praise. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a video or audio that I could embed, but you can listen to and download the mp3 of the song “The Mouth” to your computer or iTunes for free, just by clicking here. You will probably have to use the down arrow to select the album “Seeds of Praise” and then select Track 6 “The Mouth.”  (You will also be able to hear the other songs and then you will want to own them all for their awesomeness.)

Here’s the video of my lovelies singing a little excerpt from the song.

Having this jar that we put dollars in helps my kids connect their memorization with our giving. Try it!

Please don’t forget to encourage your family to SHARE God’s word with others by partnering with OneVerse. If you memorize each Letter Verse of the alphabet and give just $1 dollar for each one through the Letter Verses Group, you’ll help to translate the Bible into the Vidunda language for a people group in Tanzania who have NEVER HEARD God’s word in THEIR language.

Also, two things.

1. Please, please, please, please tell me if you are participating in Letter Verse memorization, whether or not you are giving to OneVerse. It really encourages all of us to work together.

2. I’ve created a Letter Verses Page with easily accessible links to all the letters. Will you share it with your friends through Facebook, Twitter, or your blog?

(Just FYI, there is no connection between The Seed Company and Seeds Family Worship.)

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