I’m sure that many of you are waiting with bated breath for more information about the Save to Give Challenge. You are surely dying to know if we kept up with our giving despite the summer complications of having no income. (NOT! No one is waiting, and you have all forgotten; I am sure.) Nonetheless, it is not gone, just forgotten–by you, not me.
I will remind. Our family has committed to match our giving with our savings on consumable products. SO, I track my spending and couponing, and whatever I have saved off of the “regular” price, we give away. There have been a few hiccups along the way, which I explain here and here. In fact I plan to come totally clean in an update style post, but this is not it.
Before I give you the wonderful post (written in my brain, but not the computer) about Summer Save to Give and the AWESOME thing that happened, I am compelled to remind you what happened at the end of last summer. Since last year’s post was called I Love Manna, I am making that the prequel to this year’s post I Love Ram. But I’m not posting I Love Ram until you all go over and read I Love Manna, either for the first time or the second.
You have two days. I’m watching you . . . (through my Google Analytics program that can tell which posts you’re reading.) On your mark, get set, GO!
I did link over for your analytics – but I know love this story enough to be constantly telling others about it, and how God provided in that crazy specific awesome way.
I did NOT forget about the Save to Give Challenge, and I DID go over to read I LOVE MANNA (fantastic story to the glory of God!) & even read about your hiccups, both “here” & “here.” So now my breath is properly bated for the I LOVE RAM prequel. Bring it on! I’m ready!