Hey Folks,
We’re more than halfway through our 75 days of summer vacation and at least halfway through our Ryder “summer money.” I have to say, NOT reporting weekly on our expenditures like I did last summer, has been a huge relief. It’s not that we are doing much differently, but it is just nice not having to tally receipts. I am, however, going to try to keep track of our vacation expenses since I know that will be a helpful challenge to keep it comparable to last year.
In other news, the summer program is going great and we continue to enjoy our schedule, even though we switch things around as needed. Since we’ve had a lot of hot weather here, which I know EVERYONE is suffering from, almost everyday is water day here. 🙂
While according to the schedule it is technically our “craft day,” today it is really going to be packing day. Tomorrow we head up to the mountains for our family vacation at the trailer by the river.
WE ARE SO EXCITED! (Especially since Dylan thinks it is going to be Bob the Builder’s trailer even though he has been there before and we have corrected him several times. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if we just suddenly drove into cartoon world halfway up the mountain?)
Of course, I will try to keep track of affordable vacation ideas and tell you the horrific stories of all that goes wrong; however, I was thinking . . . .
Would anyone like to guest post this week? Or does anyone have a previously posted blog that they’d like to share a link to?
Many of you have your own wonderful blogs or just enjoy writing and I’d love to give you the chance to showcase your awesomeness here at The Low Ryder. Of course, I would also like to take the pressure off of myself to blog every day while on vacation. (And as you well know, it is ALL about me. :))
SO, if you’d to guest post OR have us link to one of your posts, leave me a comment or send me a private note through the contact page. We cover a very WIDE range of topics at this blog, so other than your rant against public education, I’ll accept about anything. 😉
1. If you want to guest post, let me know first and then I give you the info about what format to use. (You don’t actually have to be a blogger to guest post. You can just write something.)
2. If you’d like to be linked, PLEASE send me permalinks to specific posts rather than your blog in general.
I think that’s all!! Don’t be bashful. I hope to hear from you.
I’ll guest post for you if you want :).