I know technically it is bad blog form to just do personal blog stuff if your blog is not JUST a family blog. Since my blog not exactly a family blog, I have suffered a few seconds of guilt for indulging in this album-like display; however, it is 11:53 and I need to hit the hay so I can be up early for Super Doubles tomorrow at 7; therefore, I have gotten over the guilt. (I have to get there before all those other hoarding harpies with coupon binders get there. ;)–Ooo, maybe somebody should name her couponing blog “Hoarding Harpies” Ahahaha. I crack myself up at this late hour.)
I digress. In lieu of a truly blog worthy bit of text, here are a few beach photos that give you an idea of what last week was like for us. FUN TIMES!

That’s all folks. See you tomorrow. I’m compiling all the comments on Summer Program to give you an update post with tons of great ideas, so look forward to that. Oh NO, the clock is striking 12 . . . .