To read about Letter Verses, click here. If you already know about Letter Verses, keep reading . . .
G Verse just so happens to be PERFECT for this week.
Psalm 136:1 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.
(Click the passage to view the printable verse to display where you will remember to practice the verse.)
There are a several great song options to help you learn this passage and even the subsequent verses. Here’s Chris Tomlin’s “Forever,” which is what we used for our G-verse tune.
Another great version can be found on the Seeds Family Worship “Listen Online” page. Click here to listen and then download the track from Seeds of Praise (Vol 3) Track 10 for “His Love Endures.” This track actually includes all of Psalm 136: 1-6; 6, so it is great for older children and adults.
Okay, here are Thing 1 and Thing 2 singing the G-verse. It will probably be pretty obvious, but I have to tell you that they are getting a LITTLE weary of good ‘ol mum making these videos, so I’d love to know if anyone is interested in having their kids featured for H-verse. PLEEEZE.
Don’t forget to set aside $1 for each verse that your kids memorize to send to the Vidunda people in Tanzania for their Bible translation. Here’s the link to our Letter Verses group at OneVerse. OneVerse will actually send you a copy of the verse that you helped to translate.
Also, please let me know if you are participating in LetterVerses and/or if you want to help with H verse. 🙂
I will volunteer for the H verse video.