Don’t worry. There aren’t really beavers in my house. It’s just that every time I started thinking about the “B Verse” post, I was thinking of myself speaking in my awesome ghetto-hood wannabe voice shouting (scissor hands pointed sidewise, head cocked confidently), “B VERSE, in da HOUSE!”
And then of course, all I could think of was “Beavers in the house.”
Do you think I’m crazy yet? Do you have any clue what I’m talking about?
No? Well, if you want to know what I’m talking about, you should read The Most Important Post I Ever Wrote, where I explain our plan to learn a verse for every letter of the alphabet AND to help support OneVerse, an amazing campaign of The Seed Company.
I was going to wait a whole week to post B-verse, but my sister (The Funny Sister) assured me that you are already done with A-verse and we need to get on with it.
THUS. Here is The B-Verse Printable.
And here are my lovelies singing the B-Verse.
And here they are singing it silly.
So, get on with it.
Give to OneVerse.
BUT . . . one more thing. Really really really really, tell me if you are doing the Letter Verses in your home. (Use comments or send me a message.) It really encourages me to know that your kids are learning Scripture. Also, I was thinking, if you want to . . . . maybe we can make LetterVerses a One Verse Group and work together as a team, encouraging our kids to help translate bunches of verses.
Anyone like that idea?
Alright, gotta Dash. Anika’s putting yogurt in her hair again. 🙂
We are in … may have to change it a bit since Liam is so young but I’m going to give it a shot. He’s done well with “A”. Let me know if you create a group.
The group is in the works; I’ll keep you posted. I understand about the 2 year olds. You can see how well Anika does with “A-verse.” HA! Actually, one thing that works with her is to sing it and then leave a word or two out. Usually she can fill in the blanks.