Farmers’ Market

Saturday morning we walked as a family to the Farmer’s Market to get some produce.  While I was waiting in line, I gave the camera to Addie and told her to walk around and take pictures, so for the most part, she took all of the pictures.

J and Baby on the way there

Addie strikes a pose
Addie's Coleus
Addie's Herb's-eye view
Addie- Maybe she didn't realize they were onions.
Addie- Cauliflower
Addie-Yellow Carrots
Addie- Purple Onions
Addie- Bouquet
Addie- Cabbage and Squash
Addie- Tomatoes

Addie- Cantalope

Addie- Peaches (My favorite of her photos. I love the composition. And my favorite fruit!)
My gorgeous girl!
Addie-- Beets
Waiting in Line
Dyl's all tuckered out!
What we got for about $23

4 thoughts on “Farmers’ Market

  1. Addie did a great job of taking pictures! I love that they emphasize how differently little kids see things, being closer to the ground:)

  2. Oh my goodness, Mrs. Ryder! (Katrina?) I was there! I saw you and your husband and your adorable daughter at the Farmer’s Market. My mom showed me this blog tonight; I didn’t know you were the author!
    I love it. You’re very creative and I’m impressed by your planning and frugality. Those are great ideas for me when I need to plan my own budget!
    Also – the Hub. I’m sure Pastor Scott would be glad to know that you took the lesson to heart.
    I feel that something great is at work here. I’m looking forward to reading your blog! You’re off to a great start.
    (Maybe next Farmer’s Market day we’ll have a “blogger meet-up” :D)

  3. gorgeous produce! i just transplanted my cabbage seedlings into my beds yesterday (and by beds, i really mean in between where ever i can squeeze them). hoping they work. I don’t have wildlife, but we do have snails and slugs, which I have worked my hardest to eradicate!

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