Quarantine Homeschool Tip #2: Easy Peasy

Quarantine Homeschool Tip #2 (For those who just HAVE to get started.) EASY PEASY Allinonehomeschool.com and allinonehighschool.com are a good starting place if you want EVERYTHING in one website for FREE.

There are hundreds of websites and options, BUT this this one has ALL subjects and ALL grades. Everything is on a low tech easy to scroll through day by day list.

It is Christian and a young earth in the sciences, so that might be a turn-off for those who prefer secular material; however, it is ALL IN ONE, which means you don’t have to put together a bunch of things and make decisions. It also doesn’t require a bunch of clicking around. It’s a great option for those who need homeschooling done for them in a SIMPLE way.