I know that I promised to blog more after my last post a MONTH AGO, but it turns out that having three kids in school did not result in as much bon-bon eating and blogging as I’d hoped. 🙁 Alas. I wrote a bunch of blog posts in my head, but they never made it through my fingertips to the keyboard stage. Now I’m in the thick of pumpkin patch season and work a bookoodle hours a week, so you’ll just have to hope November brings better blogging with it.
Nonetheless, here I am with a happy, oh-so-happy, October opportunity. For all of you who have asked if I was doing a Bible study this fall, I’m not. In keeping with my book love, my Kay Bruner love, and my deep desire for you to read books written by Kay Bruner (and edited by me), I’m having a book club. This book club will involve some great spiritual discussions about topics relevant to Christan women. The Bible will definitely come up; I’m sure of it. 🙂
We are reading Kay Bruner’s memoir As Soon As I Fell. Here’s one of the MANY awesome reviews from Amazon that will make you want to read this book: “For dreamers and idealists and those who plan (or used to plan) on changing the world, for struggling marriages and lonely expatriates and those battling depression, for people curious about the nitty-gritty, not always pretty realities of life in an island village, and for anyone hungry for an honest story of healing and hope, As Soon As I Fell is a book to love.” Rachel Pieh Jones at djiboutijones.com. Check out the other AMAZING 5 star reviews Kay has on Amazon and GoodReads.
We’ll be discussing the memoir in three parts on Thurs, Oct 16th, 23rd, and 30th from 7:15-8:30 at my house.(When you tell me you are coming, I will send you my address.)
THEN, awesomely, on Friday, November 7th, Kay is coming all the way from TEXAS to my little ol’ house and we’ll do a Q&A from 7:15-9PM. Even if you can’t come to the book club, PLEASE come to the Q&A. You will meet Kay and hear her precious Texas accent. Doesn’t that sound fun? Here is a photo of me and Kay from 2005–a time when I was very young, naive, and wrinkle-free. I prefer today’s wrinkles with all the smarts that I have to go with them. 🙂
We’ll divide the book up as follows for readings. Make sure you’ve read through the section that we’ll be discussing.
October 16th- Read through Part I: page 113
October 23rd-Read through Part II: page 167
October 30th-Read through Part III: page 230
November 7th- Read the whole book! 🙂
If you plan to come to any or all of these evenings, PLEASE let me know by emailing me, responding to the event on FB, or just comment below. If dozens of you are coming, you won’t fit in my house, therefore, I’ll change the venue and will need to be able to let you know.
Use the link above to buy the Kindle ($6.99) or paperback($9.89) of Kay’s book. If you want to see if it is your cup-of-tea, click on Kindle and then select “Try it Free” to read 30 pages for FREE! 🙂
And since I’m shamelessly promoting right now anyway, I’m going to go ahead and say something about buying books and Bible studies by Christian authors. PLEASE buy these resources from authors you love. Please don’t pirate the videos of their Bible studies, photo copy sections of their books for distribution, or save money by just figuring out how to multi-distribute your e-copy. I haven’t written a book, but if I ever do, I will really hope that people buy it. I’m sure you’d feel the same way. 🙂
THANKS! Come to book club!