It’s time for the next two Letter Verses! We are up to J & K now. Letter Verses is a way to memorize Scripture one letter of the alphabet at a time, using catchy songs (and sometimes motions.) Once we memorize the verse, we give $1 to One Verse for a Bible translation project for the Vidunda people in Tanzania.
These two verses are great because I am able to share the songs from my two favorite sources. Seeds Family Worship and Steve Green’s Hide ‘Em In Your Heart. Click the links to buy these resources.
John 8:12 Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”
Click to print J Verse, which I recommend you keep near your eating area.
You can listen to J verse and ALL of the Seeds Family Worship songs at their website. To find J Verse (also called “Light of the World”) click to go to the site. Then use the drop down arrow to select the album Vol 2: Seeds of Faith. J Verse is Track 4.
Once you’ve listened to the “real thing,” you can see how well you think my kids did with learning J verse.
Now for K Verse.
Psalm 34: 13 Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.
Click to print K Verse, which I recommend that you keep by your eating area.
Here’s a video from the Hide ‘Em in Your Heart Video.
And last but not least, for those of you have just been waiting, wishing, and wanting a medley of all 11 Letter Verses together, here they are . . . .the Ryder children.
They prove they have truly memorized these verses by twirling, cavorting, dancing, wrestling, and generally acting like puppies, all the while coming up with each verse prompted only by their knowledge of the alphabet. I will not bother to make any disclaimers about the laundry basket or their inability to stick to one key because, as we all know, my kids are precious AND I’ve given up disclaimers for Lent. 🙂
Do you want to join us with Letter Verses? It’s easy! Also, I’d love for you to give to One Verse through the Letter Verses group. We’ve committed to give 26 verses, and we still have a long way to go. Today Dylan and Addie BOTH gave some of their allowance to Letter Verses all of their own free will. I was so EXCITED. It’s working! My kids are actually, factually being changed by God’s word.
Please join us in memorizing Letter Verses and let me know if you do! I’m so encouraged to know other people are hiding God’s word in their hearts.
So cute!!! Anika marching, Dylan swinging his arms, Addie dancing with her sister. Love those kids.