Since it’s my party, I can reminisce if I want to. (If you’re reading this on feed reader or e-mail, you might want to click over to the site so the photos and captions will align properly.) So we’re going to play “on this day in history” with some birthday photos from the last few years. You may know that the Fourth of July is my birthday, so as a result I usually get the day off and some sort of fanfare, which I eventually recognized at about 8 years old, was not really in my honor. Nonetheless, here we have a little recap from my actually 27th birthday and the anniversaries of it thereafter. . .

You may notice in this first photo that all of us look a bit different. I suspect we are retaining fluids. This is primarily because at least two-thirds of us are comprised of about 80% breastmilk.

After we moved to Papua New Guinea and had our jungle training, we managed to drop a bit of that liquid weight. 🙂 Nothing like a little giardia, no? This vacation to Australia was a great birthday break even if no one shot off any fireworks for me. 😉

In this photo, thanks to the fact that I have enormous horse teeth, you cannot distinguish a real smile from a misleading one. Upon reflection I would say that this was arguably one of the hardest times of my life. Someday I will tell you the whole story.
Maybe I was just relieved that in this particular moment, Dylan isn’t screaming off his friggin’ head.

In this 2008 photo, I would have said I was perfectly happy with my perfectly sized house and my two children, who each had their own bedrooms. I would not have changed one thing in the way that God had taken us around the globe just to plop us right back in the town where I grew up. But he had one more change in mind for us. . . .
Here are all five Ryders although one bun is still in the oven for a few more weeks. (Speaking of which, Dyl, do you mind taking your knee off of your sister’s head?)

Ah, yes. There she is Miss America. 🙂 And the rest of us below . . .

Here we are earlier today at my mom’s. And I’m very happy to say that we are all 0% breastmilk! Happy Independence Day everyone!

Oh, by the way, if you are contemplating what present to give me, please share my blog with someone. Share your favorite posts on facebook! I’d love a few more readers to keep me going. 🙂 I’m really thinking seriously that this writing thing might be for me, but it is easy to get discouraged. Every time I hear that someone is reading and enjoying the blog it inspires me to actually bite the bullet and write a book before my next 27th birthday. 😉
Thanks for reading The Low Ryder and putting up with my photo collage to myself.
Happy Birthday, Sweetie! Probably the first time in history that my birthday good wishes arrived on time 🙂 They may usually be late, but they are always sincere. Have a great day and many blessings during the next year!
Love you and Love that fam, each and every one a wonderful gift from God – deserving some serious fireworks!
Dad and Mom
Love this. Also thought Addie looks like she is wearing a wig in 2007. Great pictures, memories, great family!!
Katrina, you’re already one of my favourite authors. I’m just waiting for you to get on and write that book you keep talking about! No more excuses – do it! If you want an editor I may be available after November when my current project goes to print…
Oh, and HaPpY bIrThDaY!
Your gift: I already recommended your blog to a friend after reading the false guilt posting.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY. My mom has been forwarding me posts of yours to brighten my days with my own crazy crew of three young-uns. Perhaps it was the “spare the rod” post–your “devil-child” etc…I have thoroughly enjoyed your commentary on real life and real mothering! Keep it coming!
Hi Carolyn,
Thanks for reading and commenting on my blog! It really means a lot to me to know that it is “reaching” people. For better or worse, I expect my crew will keep giving me things to write about.